Just finished a combo lecture and chamber music recital for a select audience of students and parents of the Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil de Guayaquil. The first part was an abbreviated version of my lecture-demonstration on Latin American piano music. Ironically, this music is as little-known here as it is in the US, but you can tell that it speaks to the audience members in a very direct way. The palpable pride makes you feel like you’re playing for an appreciative home team and that they are happy to hear it and claim it as their own.
The second half, I was joined by cellist Jorge, one of the young students from the youth orchestra, and violinist Tygran, one of the many Armenian emigrés in the professional orchestra, to play the Piazzolla Four Seasons arranged for piano trio. What a delight! Jorge plays with a beautiful lyricism and passion far beyond his youth. And Tygran . . . well, it's hard to find the right superlatives. Such a mensch of a player, and such a refined musician. And such a straightforward and pretense-free manner of working.
Hats off, gentlemen! I hope we make music together again soon.
A perfect evening all told.